Friday, September 2, 2011

4 Steps To Eliminating Anterior Pelvic Tilt For Lower Back Pain Relief

Anterior pelvic tilt is a very common postural distortion that is highly correlated with lower back pain. Correcting this postural issue can be challenging without a specific, targeted approach. Here are a few key tips to help: 1. Stretch the muscles that contribute to hip flexion: psoas, rectus femoris 2. Strengthen the muscles that extend the hips: glute medius exercise, hamstrings 3. Eliminate dietary sources of gut inflammation: digestive issues can strongly contribute to bloating in the lower abdominals and contribute to excessive anterior pelvic tilt 4. Get neuromuscular therapy massage treatments on tight areas: some areas cannot be stretched well, so hands on therapy works very well in this scenario Getting the best anterior pelvic tilt correction depends on getting to the root cause of the issue. Following the steps above should help!